Base64 Encoder/Decoder

Base64 Encoder/Decoder

Base64 Encoding and Decoding Explained

Base64 Encoding and Decoding Explained

Base64 Encoding Algorithm

Base64 encoding transforms binary data into a text format using a specific algorithm. This process involves dividing data into 3-byte blocks, mapping each block to Base64 characters, and adding padding if necessary.

  • Data is divided into 3-byte blocks.
  • Each block is split into four 6-bit groups.
  • 6-bit groups are mapped to Base64 characters.
  • Padding '=' characters are added as needed.

Base64 Decoding Algorithm

Base64 decoding reverses the encoding process, converting ASCII strings back into the original binary data. This includes mapping Base64 characters to binary, reconstructing byte blocks, and removing any padding.

  • The encoded string is divided into 4-character blocks.
  • Each character is mapped back to 6-bit binary.
  • 6-bit groups are concatenated to form bytes.
  • Padding characters are removed as necessary.